Become A Partner
We proudly partner with other rescue organizations and animal shelters to provide food, litter, and other pet supplies from our pet food warehouse. Before you apply, here is some helpful information:
- There is a pick up / membership fee for the warehouse. This supports the overhead costs associated with the warehouse. This does not represent any amount of food or supplies received. The majority of groups pick up on a biweekly basis and receive thousands of dollars in donated pet food and supplies each month.
- Cat food is very limited. Marion County “cat groups” are prioritized for cat food. Cats must be rescue cats; we do not have enough food to supply for ferals. Out of county cat groups may apply to receive litter, as litter is abundant.
- All organizations, aside from public shelters, must be 501(c)3 organizations. 501(c)3 certificates must be effective for a minimum of 1 year.
- Every group is required to reapply to the program each year. Prior acceptance does not guarantee future acceptance.
We are currently not accepting any applications to the food warehouse program due to high need and demand of our current partners and local community.
If you have any other questions, please email rescuefood@vocalforpets.org.

Receive Assistance
Project FEED Marion County Pets is dedicated to provide Food, Education, Encouragement and Direction for those in our county.
We are ecstatic to be able to provide low-income families with pet food.
We know pets are in need in this county and helping keep them in their homes and out of shelters is one of our main goals.
Being able to supply food to families who need a little extra assistance is a game changer not only for this community, but the animals in these homes.
We are ecstatic to be able to provide low-income families with pet food.
We know pets are in need in this county and helping keep them in their homes and out of shelters is one of our main goals.
Being able to supply food to families who need a little extra assistance is a game changer not only for this community, but the animals in these homes.

The following is required for you to receive food:
- Show ID / proof that you are a Marion County resident
- Provide information about your pets (age/weight etc)
- All of your pets must be spayed & neutered (proof required), or in the process of being sterilized. If you need assistance with this, we will gladly assist you at our clinic, and your application will not be denied based on your ability to afford surgery.
- You will NOT be asked to show income proof at this time, however we ask that you do not take food unless you are actually in need.
- This hand out is NOT for rescues or any individual doing rescue work. If you are interested in receiving food for your 501(c)3
rescue please email rescuefood@vocalforpets.org
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